Amalfi Coast Tour

Amalfi Coast Tour

Private guided tour along the most beautiful coast of Italy with charming villages, breathtaking cliffs, shiny water, colorful nature and delicious food.

The Amalfi coast is an area of great physical beauty and natural variances. Its layout passes through the coast towns and get a winding walk, due to the Lattari Mount outline that seem to collapse into the sea.

A real breath-taking panorama overlooking the sea,the most narrow creeks dug into the mounts, tiny beaches , golden stretches of the lemons and the silvery green of the olive groves.

You could see a real breath-taking panorama along the way like the white rocks which overlooking the sea,the most narrow creeks dug into the mounts, tiny beaches , golden stretches of the lemons and the silvery green of the olive groves .

Villages like Positano, Amalfi and Ravello seem laid down on the rocks, with a maze of staircases and alleys. Positano is laid down on a steep slope with a small white houses and narrow alleys. It is the village most colourful of the coast. Since the sixties it has been being one of the favorite location of the rich International turism , with its elegant charm and a bit snob.

Villages like Positano, Amalfi and Ravello seem laid down on the rocks, with a maze of staircases and alleys.

Amalfi is the main center and the historical soul of the coast and The oldest of 4 maritime Republic, which got the maximum glory between the X and XII centuries. Interesting to visit the Sant’Andrew Church with a steep staircase on a colourful square and arab-byzantine structures and the Chiostro del paradiso ( the heaven closter) with the same The Arabian lines.

Let us to enchant with a poetic village away from the seaside worldliness and named Ravello, where you will visit Villa Rufolo and its garden, which inspired the german composer Richard Wagner with his work the “Parsifal” and then the extraordinary panoramic of Villa Belvedere, a building built at the beginning of the twentieth century. Enjoy your enchanting tour with us!!!!